Living Our Faith! Loving Our Neighbor!

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Rosary Altar Society

St. Mary's Rosary Altar Society

2023 Rosary Altar Society Annual Holiday Bazaar

Raffle Prizes



President: Sandy Hoying - Email: shoying@woh.rr.com / Cell: 937-564-7954

Vice president: Chris Stamcoff chrissicat@embarqmail.com  937-548-6994

Secretary: Marilou Coverstone - coversm@woh.rr.com / Home: 937-548-9314

Recording Secretary- Julie Pearson

Treasurer: Sharon Warner-  warner_sharon@hotmail.com 


DUES: Dues envelopes are inserted in the bulletin in early October.  Dues are a voluntary $10.



Evening Meetings - In St. Mary's School cafeteria, usually the 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30 pm from September until April

       Stay tuned for meeting dates and themes.

Annual Banquet - Usually the Monday after Mother's Day

Bazaar - Annually on the second weekend of November. 

We have something for everyone in this wonderful group of ladies. We bake, cook, craft, clean and decorate.  In all of our activities we honor our Blessed Virgin Mary along with supporting the needs of our church and uniting the women of the parish.  Every woman of the parish is invited to become a member of the society.  Membership dues are not required, but a suggested minimum dues donation is $10 per year.

Many thanks to funeral dinner team leaders Marsha Rieman and Peg Hadden.  You do a great job!  Many thanks to the ladies who donate food for the funerals as well.