Living Our Faith! Loving Our Neighbor!

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K of C 2023 Newsletter


        Knights of Columbus Council 1796


Contact the Knights of Columbus if interested in joining!                                                                                         


We need new members in our Council! Knights of Columbus plays an important role in helping men to become better fathers, husbands and leaders. Together, we help each other find our mission and conform our lives to Christ and our principles – Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. If you know a young father in our parish that could benefit by being a Knight, ask them if they would like to join our Council. You can give them my email (lstachler@woh.rr.com) or phone number 937-548-2411 and I can get them a form-100 application.

Monthly drawing tickets are available. If you need tickets to sell or would like to purchase tickets, give me a call at 548-2411 or email me at lstachler@woh.rr.com


Business and Social meetings are on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 7:30 pm.

Vivat Jesus

GK Luke Stachler

Phone 937-548-2411



Kurtis Black is our Insurance Agent. You can get in touch with him at 937-570-6070

or email Kurtis.Black@KofC.org